Common Interest Groups (CIG)

A CIG (Common Interest Group) is established for each MateriNex innovation theme to keep the associated demand-driven roadmap up to date, to share information and to present project results.

All stakeholders from the innovation ecosystem related to one of the MateriNex innovation themes can participate in a CIG. In particular, representatives of Flemish companies (both large enterprises, SMEs and start-ups), of relevant research groups, of spearhead clusters and of sector organizations are invited to participate in the CIGs of their choice. 

Together with other stakeholders, as a CIG participant you can drive innovation and increase the impact of the roadmaps and MateriNex projects in your sector. 

Participation in a CIG is free and unpaid. Only a written commitment (‘Letter of Commitment’) is requested. 

If you would like to know more about how a MateriNex CIG works, read the CIG Charter

Contact us if you have any questions about the operation of the CIGs and conditions to participate.