This event is a unique networking and learning opportunity for both industry professionals and our Common Interest Group members, focusing on transversal challenges including digitalisation, around Critial Raw Materials.
The first meeting of the Common Interest Group (CIG) on Strategic and Critical Raw Materials will be held on 16 September from 12h - 17h at the VITO office in Berchem by Antwerp.
The first meeting of the Common Interest Group (CIG) on Materials for Building and Construction will be held on 13 September from 9h30 to 15h at the Radisson Berchem in Antwerp.
The first meeting of the Common Interest Group (CIG) on Strategic and Critical Raw Materials will be held on 16 September from 12h - 17h at the VITO office in Berchem by Antwerp.
Find out how MateriNex will shape and support sustainable materials research in Flanders, what the roadmaps are that are being deployed and how you can contribute yourself.