MateriNex Project Call 10.2024

MateriNex is launching a call for innovation projects (ICONs, cSBOs and feasibility studies) in the innovation topics 'Materials for Building and Construction', 'Materials for Battery Technology' and 'Strategic and Critical Raw Materials'. Submitted projects should be in line with the relevant MateriNex roadmap of these three innovation topics. The deadline for pre-application is 15 January 2025.  


  • Mandatory pre-application with appropriate templates: no later than 15 January 2025 

  • Feedback and GO/NO GO to proceed to full project proposal: circa 15 March 2025

  • Submission of full project proposals to VLAIO: no later than 31 May 2025

How to pre-apply?

ICON Projects

Mandatory pre-application to both MateriNex and VLAIO.

SBO Projects 

Send the completed 'Pre-application Template MateriNex-cSBO', together with the completed 'Additional requirements and commitments MateriNex-cSBO', by e-mail to projects [at] (projects[at]materinex[dot]be)

Assessment of pre-application with MateriNex

By independent experts:

  • Technical-scientific: international expert(s).
  • In accordance with the roadmap: MateriNex team.
  • Complementarity with spearhead cluster roadmaps: MateriNex team and spearhead clusters.
  • Economic: national experts with knowledge of the industrial context in Flanders.

For ICON projects, VLAIO will carry out a thorough screening and formulate advice on the usefulness of developing and submitting a project proposal. This screening will maximally be carried out as an advanced part of the evaluation. Various aspects may be considered in this screening, including eligibility criteria (e.g. partial or full analysis of 'enterprises in difficulty') and financial evaluation criteria (e.g. financial terms). 

Feasibility studies (ICON preparation)

  • Feasibility studies can be submitted at any time.
  • Contact info [at] (info[at]materinex[dot]be) for more information.

Important consideration!

In an Industrial Advisory Board (both cSBO and ICON projects), members have no automatic rights to exploit the results. The implementer is the owner and subsequent transfer will be by non-discriminatory offer at prevailing market conditions.  

The following conditions apply to ICON projects: 

  • Access rights to the background knowledge of research organisations for the exploitation of results by a company will always be at market price.  
  • Access rights to the foreground knowledge (= project results) of research organisations for the exploitation of their own project results by a participating company must always be granted on market terms for a MateriNex ICON. Therefore, if the project receives a GO from MateriNex, the Template Term Sheet 'Agreement Framework Market Terms' must be selected when submitting the full project proposal to VLAIO.

Do you have any questions?

Contact us at info [at] (info[at]materinex[dot]be).