CIG Meeting Materials for Building and Construction - 14 March 2025

14 March 2025

The next meeting of the Common Interest Group (CIG) on Materials for Building and Construction will take place in Antwerp on 14 March from 12h to18h in Antwerp. This event is hosted by ROCO.

Registration is now closed.

Meeting Agenda




Doors Open and Welcome Lunch

13:00-13:05 Welcome & Introductions by MateriNex
13:05-13:30 Introduction to ICON project bETon, Niels Hulsbosch, R&D Expert Buildwise, Innovation Support for Circular and low-Carbon Concrete
13:30-14:15 Toelichting project Oosterweel door Sanne Verlinden, Adjunct omgevingsmanager- Coördinator Projectcommunicatie (in Dutch)
14:15-14:45 Status van project 3b -Oosterweelverbinding Rechteroever, Hugo Jacobs, Adjunct Directeur, Shared Services (in Dutch)
14:45-15:00 Coffee/Tea Break

Innovatieve dronetoepassingen binnen project 3b van de Oosterweelverbinding, Bert Limbos, Hoofd Survey TM ROCO (in Dutch)

15:30-16:00 Opportunities for Sustainable Solutions in the Underground Structures of the Oosterweel Connection by Robrecht Keersmaekers, Technical Manager of Civil Engineering Construction.
16:00-16:15 Break
16:15-18:00 Optional: Site Visit to Oosterweelverbinding organized by TM ROCO - Seats are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Don't forget to book your seat when you register for this meeting!
18:00 End of Day

Meeting location